Node v20.12.0 (LTS)


Richard Lau

2024-03-26, Version 20.12.0 'Iron' (LTS), @richardlau

Notable Changes

crypto: implement crypto.hash()

This patch introduces a helper crypto.hash() that computes a digest from the input at one shot. This can be 1.2-2x faster than the object-based createHash() for smaller inputs (<= 5MB) that are readily available (not streamed) and incur less memory overhead since no intermediate objects will be created.

const crypto = require('node:crypto');

// Hashing a string and return the result as a hex-encoded string.
const string = 'Node.js';
// 10b3493287f831e81a438811a1ffba01f8cec4b7
console.log(crypto.hash('sha1', string));

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #51044.

Loading and parsing environment variables

  • process.loadEnvFile(path):

    • Use this function to load the .env file. If no path is specified, it automatically loads the .env file in the current directory. Example: process.loadEnvFile().
    • Load a specific .env file by specifying its path. Example: process.loadEnvFile('./development.env').
  • util.parseEnv(content):

    • Use this function to parse an existing string containing environment variable assignments.
    • Example usage: require('node:util').parseEnv('HELLO=world').

Contributed by Yagiz Nizipli in #51476.

New connection attempt events

Three new events were added in the net.createConnection flow:

  • connectionAttempt: Emitted when a new connection attempt is established. In case of Happy Eyeballs, this might emitted multiple times.
  • connectionAttemptFailed: Emitted when a connection attempt failed. In case of Happy Eyeballs, this might emitted multiple times.
  • connectionAttemptTimeout: Emitted when a connection attempt timed out. In case of Happy Eyeballs, this will not be emitted for the last attempt. This is not emitted at all if Happy Eyeballs is not used.

Additionally, a previous bug has been fixed where a new connection attempt could have been started after a previous one failed and after the connection was destroyed by the user. This led to a failed assertion.

Contributed by Paolo Insogna in #51045.

Permission Model changes

Node.js 20.12.0 comes with several fixes for the experimental permission model and two new semver-minor commits. We're adding a new flag --allow-addons to enable addon usage when using the Permission Model.

$ node --experimental-permission --allow-addons

Contributed by Rafael Gonzaga in #51183

And relative paths are now supported through the --allow-fs-* flags. Therefore, with this release one can use:

$ node --experimental-permission --allow-fs-read=./index.js

To give only read access to the entrypoint of the application.

Contributed by Rafael Gonzaga and Carlos Espa in #50758.

sea: support embedding assets

Users can now include assets by adding a key-path dictionary to the configuration as the assets field. At build time, Node.js would read the assets from the specified paths and bundle them into the preparation blob. In the generated executable, users can retrieve the assets using the sea.getAsset() and sea.getAssetAsBlob() API.

  "main": "/path/to/bundled/script.js",
  "output": "/path/to/write/the/generated/blob.blob",
  "assets": {
    "a.jpg": "/path/to/a.jpg",
    "b.txt": "/path/to/b.txt"

The single-executable application can access the assets as follows:

const { getAsset } = require('node:sea');
// Returns a copy of the data in an ArrayBuffer
const image = getAsset('a.jpg');
// Returns a string decoded from the asset as UTF8.
const text = getAsset('b.txt', 'utf8');
// Returns a Blob containing the asset without copying.
const blob = getAssetAsBlob('a.jpg');

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #50960.

Support configurable snapshot through --build-snapshot-config flag

We are adding a new flag --build-snapshot-config to configure snapshots through a custom JSON configuration file.

$ node --build-snapshot-config=/path/to/myconfig.json

When using this flag, additional script files provided on the command line will not be executed and instead be interpreted as regular command line arguments.

These changes were contributed by Joyee Cheung and Anna Henningsen in #50453

Text Styling

  • util.styleText(format, text): This function returns a formatted text considering the format passed.

A new API has been created to format text based on util.inspect.colors, enabling you to style text in different colors (such as red, blue, ...) and emphasis (italic, bold, ...).

const { styleText } = require('node:util');
const errorMessage = styleText('red', 'Error! Error!');

Contributed by Rafael Gonzaga in #51850.

vm: support using the default loader to handle dynamic import()

This patch adds support for using vm.constants.USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER as the importModuleDynamically option in all vm APIs that take this option except vm.SourceTextModule. This allows users to have a shortcut to support dynamic import() in the compiled code without missing the compilation cache if they don't need customization of the loading process. We emit an experimental warning when the import() is actually handled by the default loader through this option instead of requiring --experimental-vm-modules.

const { Script, constants } = require('node:vm');
const { resolve } = require('node:path');
const { writeFileSync } = require('node:fs');

// Write test.js and test.txt to the directory where the current script
// being run is located.
  resolve(__dirname, 'test.mjs'),
  'export const filename = "./test.json";'
writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, 'test.json'), '{"hello": "world"}');

// Compile a script that loads test.mjs and then test.json
// as if the script is placed in the same directory.
const script = new Script(
  `(async function() {
    const { filename } = await import('./test.mjs');
    return import(filename, { with: { type: 'json' } })
    filename: resolve(__dirname, 'test-with-default.js'),
    importModuleDynamically: constants.USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER,

// { default: { hello: 'world' } }

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #51244.

Root certificates updated to NSS 3.98

Certificates added:

  • Telekom Security TLS ECC Root 2020
  • Telekom Security TLS RSA Root 2023

Certificates removed:

  • Security Communication Root CA

Updated dependencies

  • acorn updated to 8.11.3.
  • ada updated to 2.7.6.
  • base64 updated to 0.5.2.
  • brotli updated to 1.1.0.
  • c-ares updated to 1.27.0.
  • corepack updated to 0.25.2.
  • ICU updated to 74.2. Includes CLDR 44.1 and Unicode 15.1.
  • nghttp2 updated to 1.60.0.
  • npm updated to 10.5.0. Fixes a regression in signals not being passed onto child processes.
  • simdutf8 updated to 4.0.8.
  • Timezone updated to 2024a.
  • zlib updated to

Other notable changes

  • [4f49e9d000] - (SEMVER-MINOR) build: build opt to set local location of headers (Michael Dawson) #51525
  • [ccdb01187b] - doc: add zcbenz to collaborators (Cheng Zhao) #51812
  • [481af53aea] - doc: add lemire to collaborators (Daniel Lemire) #51572
  • [5ba4d96525] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: add h2 compat support for appendHeader (Tim Perry) #51412
  • [0861498e8b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: add server handshake utility (snek) #51172
  • [6b08d006ee] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: receive customsettings (Marten Richter) #51323
  • [7894989bf0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: move encodingsMap to internal/util (Joyee Cheung) #51044
  • [a58c98ea85] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: print string content better in BlobDeserializer (Joyee Cheung) #50960
  • [c3c0a3ee5c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: support multi-line values for .env file (IlyasShabi) #51289
  • [2a921966c6] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: do not coerce dotenv paths (Tobias Nießen) #51425
  • [0dee86f295] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: support configurable snapshot (Joyee Cheung) #50453
  • [ade6614067] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add support for deflate-raw format to webstreams compression (Damian Krzeminski) #50097
  • [fe922f05e4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) timers: export timers.promises (Marco Ippolito) #51246


  • [cbda4e9fc5] - assert,crypto: make KeyObject and CryptoKey testable for equality (Filip Skokan) #50897
  • [92fca59647] - async_hooks,inspector: implement inspector api without async_wrap (Gabriel Bota) #51501
  • [029ca982dc] - benchmark: update iterations of benchmark/async_hooks/async-local- (Lei Shi) #51420
  • [350e9fee8d] - benchmark: update iterations of benchmark/domain/domain-fn-args.js (Lei Shi) #51408
  • [40fda97deb] - benchmark: update iterations of assert/deepequal-typedarrays.js (Lei Shi) #51419
  • [1b2e3b7049] - benchmark: update iterations of benchmark/assert/deepequal-map.js (Lei Shi) #51416
  • [7639259203] - benchmark: rename startup.js to startup-core.js (Joyee Cheung) #51669
  • [4be33b5577] - benchmark: remove dependency on unshipped tools (Adam Majer) #51146
  • [bd03a154a9] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/perf_hooks (Lei Shi) #50869
  • [19b943b909] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/crypto/aes-gcm-throughput.js (Lei Shi) #50929
  • [278c990dea] - benchmark: update iteration and size in benchmark/crypto/randomBytes.js (Lei Shi) #50868
  • [443d4fcff3] - benchmark: add undici websocket benchmark (Chenyu Yang) #50586
  • [3ab6143380] - benchmark: add create-hash benchmark (Joyee Cheung) #51026
  • [6a8ff09332] - benchmark: update interations and len in benchmark/util/text-decoder.js (Lei Shi) #50938
  • [22b53bc1fa] - benchmark: update iterations of benchmark/util/type-check.js (Lei Shi) #50937
  • [f56bda5109] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/util/normalize-encoding.js (Lei Shi) #50934
  • [4fc83e1ce3] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/util/inspect-array.js (Lei Shi) #50933
  • [0edddcfc19] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/util/format.js (Lei Shi) #50932
  • [f109961fd1] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/crypto/hkdf.js (Lei Shi) #50866
  • [1e923f11f2] - benchmark: update iterations in benchmark/crypto/get-ciphers.js (Lei Shi) #50863
  • [f13643da06] - benchmark: update number of iterations for util.inspect (kylo5aby) #50651
  • [03b19cbd2a] - bootstrap: improve snapshot unsupported builtin warnings (Joyee Cheung) #50944
  • [51ea5b60a9] - build: fix arm64 host cross-compilation in GN (Cheng Zhao) #51903
  • [9f5547afa2] - Revert "build: workaround for node-core-utils" (Richard Lau) #51975
  • [58255e73ae] - build: respect the NODE env variable in Makefile (Antoine du Hamel) #51743
  • [0a7419bf0b] - Revert "build: fix warning in cares under GN build" (Luigi Pinca) #51865
  • [4118174b85] - build: remove librt libs link for Android compatibility (BuShe Pie) #51632
  • [012da16b85] - build: do not rely on gn_helpers in GN build (Cheng Zhao) #51439
  • [93fcf52990] - build: fix warning in cares under GN build (Cheng Zhao) #51687
  • [2176495455] - build: fix building js2c with GN (Cheng Zhao) #51818
  • [d6e702f885] - build: encode non-ASCII Latin1 characters as one byte in JS2C (Joyee Cheung) #51605
  • [4f49e9d000] - (SEMVER-MINOR) build: build opt to set local location of headers (Michael Dawson) #51525
  • [8e84aad0ef] - build: use macOS m1 machines for testing (Yagiz Nizipli) #51620
  • [5fce1a17e2] - build: check before removing %config% link (liudonghua) #51437
  • [46d6dce1a8] - build: increase parallel executions in github (Yagiz Nizipli) #51554
  • [8b3ead1f3e] - build: remove copyright header in node.gni (Cheng Zhao) #51535
  • [d8b86ad363] - build: update GN build files for ngtcp2 (Cheng Zhao) #51313
  • [ba0ffddd2d] - build: fix for VScode "Reopen in Container" (Serg Kryvonos) #51271
  • [8b97e2e0a7] - build: add -flax-vector-conversions to V8 build (Michaël Zasso) #51257
  • [bd528c7dc0] - build: fix warnings from uv for gn build (Cheng Zhao) #51069
  • [ffe467b062] - build,tools: make addons tests work with GN (Cheng Zhao) #50737
  • [448d67109a] - (SEMVER-MINOR) crypto: implement crypto.hash() (Joyee Cheung) #51044
  • [48959dd2b4] - crypto: update root certificates to NSS 3.98 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51794
  • [68e8b2c492] - crypto: use EVP_MD_fetch and cache EVP_MD for hashes (Joyee Cheung) #51034
  • [adb5d69621] - crypto: update CryptoKey symbol properties (Filip Skokan) #50897
  • [df0213fd3d] - deps: update nghttp2 to 1.60.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51948
  • [208dd887a5] - deps: upgrade npm to 10.5.0 (npm team) #51913
  • [587e70e1ee] - deps: update corepack to 0.25.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51810
  • [38343c4857] - deps: update c-ares to 1.27.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51846
  • [c9974f621c] - deps: update c-ares to 1.26.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51582
  • [0aa18e1a1c] - deps: update googletest to 6a59382 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51580
  • [f871bc6ddc] - deps: update nghttp2 to 1.59.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51581
  • [94f8ee8717] - deps: update corepack to 0.24.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51459
  • [c23ce06e6b] - deps: update ada to 2.7.6 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51542
  • [372ce69de1] - deps: update ada to 2.7.5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51542
  • [133719b2c9] - deps: update googletest to 7c07a86 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51458
  • [35675aa07f] - deps: update acorn-walk to 8.3.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51457
  • [ca73f55a22] - deps: update base64 to 0.5.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51455
  • [c9dad18191] - deps: compile c-ares with C11 support (Michaël Zasso) #51410
  • [a727fa73ee] - deps: upgrade npm to 10.3.0 (npm team) #51431
  • [834bbfd039] - deps: update c-ares to 1.25.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51385
  • [4c8fa3e7c2] - deps: update uvwasi to 0.0.20 and fixup tests (Michael Dawson) #51355
  • [bd183ef2af] - deps: add nghttp3/**/.deps to .gitignore (Luigi Pinca) #51400
  • [1d8169995c] - deps: update corepack to 0.24.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51318
  • [4dfbbb8789] - deps: update acorn to 8.11.3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51317
  • [7d60877fa3] - deps: update brotli to 1.1.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50804
  • [1b99a3f0af] - deps: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51274
  • [2270285839] - deps: update simdutf to 4.0.8 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51000
  • [61d1535d84] - deps: V8: cherry-pick de611e69ad51 (Keyhan Vakil) #51200
  • [04323fd595] - deps: update googletest to 530d5c8 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51191
  • [454b4f8d7e] - deps: update acorn-walk to 8.3.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50457
  • [cc693eb908] - deps: update acorn-walk to 8.3.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50457
  • [09519c6655] - deps: update zlib to (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51105
  • [a2f39e9168] - deps: V8: cherry-pick 0fd478bcdabd (Joyee Cheung) #50572
  • [1aaf156ea7] - deps: update zlib to 1.3-22124f5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50910
  • [3f4e254047] - deps: update googletest to 76bb2af (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50555
  • [702684c008] - deps: update googletest to b10fad3 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50555
  • [4ee7f29657] - deps: update timezone to 2024a (Michaël Zasso) #51723
  • [452d74c8b6] - deps: update icu to 74.2 (Michaël Zasso) #51723
  • [e6fc5a5ee1] - deps: update timezone to 2023d (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51461
  • [4ee0f8306b] - deps: update icu to 74.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50515
  • [cb49f31480] - deps: cherry-pick libuv/libuv@d09441c (Richard Lau) #51976
  • [ea50540c5e] - Revert "deps: V8: cherry-pick 13192d6e10fa" (kxxt) #51495
  • [6fd1617ab4] - doc: add policy for distribution (Geoffrey Booth) #51918
  • [fc0b389006] - doc: fix actual result of example is different in events (Deokjin Kim) #51925
  • [93d6d66339] - doc: clarify Corepack threat model (Antoine du Hamel) #51917
  • [276d1d1d65] - doc: add stability index to crypto.hash() (Joyee Cheung) #51978
  • [473af948b5] - doc: remove redundant backquote which breaks sentence (JounQin) #51904
  • [b52b249b05] - doc: update node-api/node-addon-api team link to sharing project news (Ulises Gascón) #51877
  • [a74c373ea4] - doc: add website team to sharing project news (Ulises Gascón) #49002
  • [b7ce547d41] - doc: update guide link for Event Loop (Shrujal Shah) #51874
  • [3dfee7ee33] - doc: change ExperimentalWarnings to ExperimentalWarning (Ameet Kaustav) #51741
  • [740d0679e7] - doc: add Paolo to TSC members (Michael Dawson) #51825
  • [3240a2f349] - doc: reserve 123 for Electron 30 (Keeley Hammond) #51803
  • [597e3db0f9] - doc: add mention to GPG_TTY (Rafael Gonzaga) #51806
  • [ccdb01187b] - doc: add zcbenz to collaborators (Cheng Zhao) #51812
  • [3a3de00437] - doc: add entry to stewards (Rafael Gonzaga) #51760
  • [06b882d2fa] - doc: update technical priorities for 2023 (Jean Burellier) #47523
  • [9a68b47fe1] - doc: mark isWebAssemblyCompiledModule eol (Marco Ippolito) #51442
  • [8016628710] - doc: fix introduction (Antoine du Hamel) #51742
  • [9ddbe4523f] - doc: updates for better json generating (Dmitry Semigradsky) #51592
  • [140cf26d47] - doc: document the GN build (Cheng Zhao) #51676
  • [ecfb3f18b3] - doc: fix uncaught exception example (Gabriel Schulhof) #51638
  • [b3157a08bf] - doc: clarify execution of after hook on test suite completion (Ognjen Jevremović) #51523
  • [1dae1873d9] - doc: fix dns.lookup and dnsPromises.lookup description (Duncan Chiu) #51517
  • [50df052087] - doc: note that path.normalize deviates from POSIX (Tobias Nießen) #51513
  • [481af53aea] - doc: add lemire to collaborators (Daniel Lemire) #51572
  • [dec0d5d19a] - doc: fix historical experimental fetch flag (Kenrick) #51506
  • [96c480b1a1] - doc: fix type of connectionAttempt parameter (Rafael Gonzaga) #51490
  • [76968ab112] - doc: remove reference to resolved child_process v8 issue (Ian Kerins) #51467
  • [bdd3a2a9fd] - doc: update typos (Aranđel Šarenac) #51475
  • [3532f5587c] - doc: add notes on inspector breakpoints (Chengzhong Wu) #51417
  • [0dffb9f049] - doc: add links in (Antoine du Hamel) #51440
  • [58d2442f0f] - doc: fix spelling mistake (u9g) #51454
  • [a09f440dbd] - doc: add check for security reverts (Michael Dawson) #51376
  • [401837bfc4] - doc: fix some policy scope typos (Tim Kuijsten) #51234
  • [f301f829ba] - doc: improve subtests documentation (Marco Ippolito) #51379
  • [1e40f552fd] - doc: add missing word in (Joseph Joy) #50370
  • [42b4f0f5ab] - doc: fixup alignment of warning subsection (James M Snell) #51374
  • [b5bc597871] - doc: the GN files should use Node's license (Cheng Zhao) #50694
  • [01a41041d6] - doc: improve localWindowSize event descriptions (Davy Landman) #51071
  • [63aa27df10] - doc: mark --jitless as experimental (Antoine du Hamel) #51247
  • [c8233912e9] - doc: run license-builder (github-actions[bot]) #51199
  • [9e360df521] - doc: fix limitations and known issues in pm (Rafael Gonzaga) #51184
  • [52d8222d32] - doc: mention node:wasi in the Threat Model (Rafael Gonzaga) #51211
  • [cb3270e4c8] - doc: remove ambiguous 'considered' (Rich Trott) #51207
  • [979e183e0c] - doc: set exit code in custom test runner example (Matteo Collina) #51056
  • [eaadebb1f4] - doc: remove version from (Antoine du Hamel) #51195
  • [256db6e056] - doc: mention native addons are restricted in pm (Rafael Gonzaga) #51185
  • [2a61602ab2] - doc: correct note on behavior of stats.isDirectory (Nick Reilingh) #50946
  • [184b8bea5b] - doc: fix TestsStream parent class (Jungku Lee) #51181
  • [c61597ffe4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) doc: add documentation for --build-snapshot-config (Anna Henningsen) #50453
  • [b88170d602] - doc: run license-builder (github-actions[bot]) #51111
  • [f2b4626ab8] - doc: deprecate hash constructor (Marco Ippolito) #51077
  • [6c241550cd] - doc: add note regarding --experimental-detect-module (Shubherthi Mitra) #51089
  • [8ee30ea900] - doc: correct tracingChannel.traceCallback() (Gerhard Stöbich) #51068
  • [1cd27b6eff] - doc: use length argument in pbkdf2Key (Tobias Nießen) #51066
  • [09ad974537] - doc: add deprecation notice to dirent.path (Antoine du Hamel) #51059
  • [1113e58f87] - doc: deprecate dirent.path (Antoine du Hamel) #51020
  • [37979d750e] - doc: add additional details about --input-type (Shubham Pandey) #50796
  • [3ff00e1e79] - doc: add procedure when CVEs don't get published (Rafael Gonzaga) #50945
  • [0930be6bd5] - doc: fix some errors in esm resolution algorithms (Christopher Jeffrey (JJ)) #50898
  • [ddc7964b03] - doc: reserve 121 for Electron 29 (Shelley Vohr) #50957
  • [625fd69b76] - doc: run license-builder (github-actions[bot]) #50926
  • [f18269607a] - doc: document non-node_modules-only runtime deprecation (Joyee Cheung) #50748
  • [5f8e7a0fdb] - doc: add doc for Unix abstract socket (theanarkh) #50904
  • [e0598787e0] - doc: remove flicker on page load on dark theme (Dima Demakov) #50942
  • [2a7047d933] - doc,crypto: further clarify RSA_PKCS1_PADDING support (Tobias Nießen) #51799
  • [31c4ba4dfd] - doc,crypto: add changelog and note about disabled RSA_PKCS1_PADDING (Filip Skokan) #51782
  • [90da41548f] - doc,module: clarify hook chain execution sequence (Jacob Smith) #51884
  • [bb7d7f3d1c] - errors: fix stacktrace of SystemError (uzlopak) #49956
  • [db7459b57b] - errors: improve hideStackFrames (Aras Abbasi) #49990
  • [a6b3569121] - esm: improve error when calling import.meta.resolve from data: URL (Antoine du Hamel) #49516
  • [38f4000905] - esm: fix hint on invalid module specifier (Antoine du Hamel) #51223
  • [e39e37bbd5] - esm: fix hook name in error message (Bruce MacNaughton) #50466
  • [d9b5cd533c] - events: no stopPropagation call in cancelBubble (mert.altin) #50405
  • [287a02c4b2] - fs: load rimraf lazily in fs/promises (Joyee Cheung) #51617
  • [bbd1351ef0] - fs: remove race condition for recursive watch on Linux (Matteo Collina) #51406
  • [1b7ccec5a7] - fs: update jsdoc for filehandle.createWriteStream and appendFile (Jungku Lee) #51494
  • [25056f5024] - fs: fix fs.promises.realpath for long paths on Windows (翠 / green) #51032
  • [a8fd01a5a2] - fs: make offset, position & length args in optional (Pulkit Gupta) #51087
  • [721557c6d8] - fs: add missing jsdoc parameters to readSync (Yagiz Nizipli) #51225
  • [3ce9aacfcd] - fs: remove internalModuleReadJSON binding (Yagiz Nizipli) #51224
  • [65df2c6787] - fs: improve mkdtemp performance for buffer prefix (Yagiz Nizipli) #51078
  • [6705b48012] - fs: validate fd synchronously on c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) #51027
  • [afd5d67f89] - fs: throw fchownSync error from c++ (Yagiz Nizipli) #51075
  • [bac982bce5] - fs: update params in jsdoc for createReadStream and createWriteStream (Jungku Lee) #51063
  • [6764f0c9a8] - fs: improve error performance of readvSync (IlyasShabi) #50100
  • [0225fce776] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: introduce dirent.parentPath (Antoine du Hamel) #50976
  • [4adea6c405] - fs,test: add URL to string to (Rafael Gonzaga) #51346
  • [6bf148e12b] - http: fix close return value mismatch between doc and implementation (kylo5aby) #51797
  • [66318602d0] - http: split set-cookie when using setHeaders (Marco Ippolito) #51649
  • [f7b53d05bd] - http: remove misleading warning (Luigi Pinca) #51204
  • [9062d30600] - http: do not override user-provided options object (KuthorX) #33633
  • [4e38dee4ee] - http: handle multi-value content-disposition header (Arsalan Ahmad) #50977
  • [b560bfbb84] - http2: close idle connections when allowHTTP1 is true (xsbchen) #51569
  • [5ba4d96525] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: add h2 compat support for appendHeader (Tim Perry) #51412
  • [0861498e8b] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: add server handshake utility (snek) #51172
  • [6b08d006ee] - (SEMVER-MINOR) http2: receive customsettings (Marten Richter) #51323
  • [23414a6120] - http2: addtl http/2 settings (Marten Richter) #49025
  • [3fe59ba224] - inspector: add NodeRuntime.waitingForDebugger event (mary marchini) #51560
  • [44f05e0d30] - lib: make sure close net server (theanarkh) #51929
  • [3be5ff9c45] - lib: return directly if udp socket close before lookup (theanarkh) #51914
  • [dcbf88f4c7] - lib: account for cwd access from snapshot serialization cb (Anna Henningsen) #51901
  • [da8fa484f8] - lib: fix http client socket path (theanarkh) #51900
  • [55011d2c71] - lib: only build the ESM facade for builtins when they are needed (Joyee Cheung) #51669
  • [7894989bf0] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: move encodingsMap to internal/util (Joyee Cheung) #51044
  • [9082cc557d] - lib: do not access process.noDeprecation at build time (Joyee Cheung) #51447
  • [6679e6b616] - lib: add assertion for user ESM execution (Joyee Cheung) #51748
  • [d6e8d03afc] - lib: create global console properties at snapshot build time (Joyee Cheung) #51700
  • [bd2a3c10ae] - lib: define FormData and fetch etc. in the built-in snapshot (Joyee Cheung) #51598
  • [da79876ef0] - lib: allow checking the test result from afterEach (Tim Stableford) #51485
  • [bff7e3cf7a] - lib: remove unnecessary refreshHrtimeBuffer() (Joyee Cheung) #51446
  • [562947e012] - lib: fix use of --frozen-intrinsics with --jitless (Antoine du Hamel) #51248
  • [7b83ef749e] - lib: move function declaration outside of loop (Sanjaiyan Parthipan) #51242
  • [0a85b0fd9d] - lib: reduce overhead of SafePromiseAllSettledReturnVoid calls (Antoine du Hamel) #51243
  • [f4d7f0498e] - lib: expose default prepareStackTrace (Chengzhong Wu) #50827
  • [5c7a9c8d4a] - lib: don't parse windows drive letters as schemes (华) #50580
  • [9da6384f5a] - lib: refactor to use validateFunction in diagnostics_channel (Deokjin Kim) #50955
  • [be3205ae24] - lib: streamline process.binding() handling (Joyee Cheung) #50773
  • [f4987eb91e] - lib,permission: handle buffer on fs.symlink (Rafael Gonzaga) #51212
  • [861e040b40] - lib,src: extract sourceMappingURL from module (unbyte) #51690
  • [8a082754e0] - lib,src: replace toUSVString with toWellFormed() (Yagiz Nizipli) #47342
  • [3badc1139c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib,src,permission: port path.resolve to C++ (Rafael Gonzaga) #50758
  • [4b3cc3ce18] - loader: speed up line length calc used by moduleProvider (Mudit) #50969
  • [960d67c51f] - meta: bump github/codeql-action from 3.23.2 to 3.24.6 (dependabot[bot]) #51942
  • [1783b93af2] - meta: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 (dependabot[bot]) #51941
  • [1db603db2f] - meta: bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 (dependabot[bot]) #51940
  • [2ddec64d5a] - meta: bump actions/cache from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (dependabot[bot]) #51939
  • [92490421be] - meta: bump actions/download-artifact from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 (dependabot[bot]) #51938
  • [f3fa2b72b8] - meta: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (dependabot[bot]) #51937
  • [a62b042e83] - meta: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51726
  • [491f9f9902] - meta: bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.4 to 4.0.1 (dependabot[bot]) #51648
  • [2765077a47] - meta: bump actions/download-artifact from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (dependabot[bot]) #51644
  • [152a07b854] - meta: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.0.0 to 4.3.0 (dependabot[bot]) #51643
  • [53826920fb] - meta: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 (dependabot[bot]) #51641
  • [3d1dc9b030] - meta: bump actions/cache from 3.3.2 to 4.0.0 (dependabot[bot]) #51640
  • [287bdf6bda] - meta: bump github/codeql-action from 3.22.12 to 3.23.2 (dependabot[bot]) #51639
  • [90068fb0f1] - meta: add .mailmap entry for lemire (Daniel Lemire) #51600
  • [f91786bd70] - meta: mark security-wg codeowner for deps folder (Marco Ippolito) #51529
  • [e51221be8d] - meta: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51468
  • [4a8a012c6d] - meta: move RaisinTen to emeritus and remove from strategic initiatives (Darshan Sen) #51411
  • [e9276bab3f] - meta: add .temp and .lock tags to ignore (Rafael Gonzaga) #51343
  • [ae6fecbc8d] - meta: bump actions/setup-python from 4.7.1 to 5.0.0 (dependabot[bot]) #51335
  • [f4be49a618] - meta: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (dependabot[bot]) #51334
  • [e24aa7ced1] - meta: bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.8 to 3.22.12 (dependabot[bot]) #51333
  • [287c2bcf56] - meta: bump actions/stale from 8.0.0 to 9.0.0 (dependabot[bot]) #51332
  • [1cad0dfaff] - meta: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51329
  • [eef64b782e] - meta: notify tsc on changes in (Rafael Gonzaga) #51259
  • [95a880f728] - meta: update artifact actions to v4 (Michaël Zasso) #51219
  • [59805f6879] - meta: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 (dependabot[bot]) #50999
  • [d74e0b97c3] - meta: bump github/codeql-action from 2.22.5 to 2.22.8 (dependabot[bot]) #50998
  • [91cd9183d1] - meta: move one or more collaborators to emeritus (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50931
  • [c621491aba] - module: fix crash when built-in module export a default key (Antoine du Hamel) #51481
  • [43a8d3e984] - module: fix --preserve-symlinks-main (per4uk) #51312
  • [d8da197f86] - module: move the CJS exports cache to internal/modules/cjs/loader (Joyee Cheung) #51157
  • [5fc10ca4d6] - module: load source maps in commonjs translator (Hiroki Osame) #51033
  • [43e9f0bc65] - module: document parentURL in register options (Hiroki Osame) #51039
  • [870ef5a73f] - net: fix connect crash when call destroy in lookup handler (theanarkh) #51826
  • [caf71e05a6] - net: fix example IPv4 in dns docs (Aras Abbasi) #51377
  • [58a636be0e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) net: add connection attempt events (Paolo Insogna) #51045
  • [06a29f830a] - node-api: make napi_get_buffer_info check if passed buffer is valid (Janrupf) #51571
  • [0fb98438e4] - node-api: move NAPI_EXPERIMENTAL definition to gyp file (Gabriel Schulhof) #51254
  • [242139fb98] - node-api: optimize napi_set_property for perf (Mert Can Altın) #50282
  • [dc3d70c040] - node-api: type tag external values without v8::Private (Chengzhong Wu) #51149
  • [0ac070ccb7] - node-api: segregate nogc APIs from rest via type system (Gabriel Schulhof) #50060
  • [de65cada70] - node-api: introduce experimental feature flags (Gabriel Schulhof) #50991
  • [e192ba18cd] - perf_hooks: performance milestone time origin timestamp improvement (IlyasShabi) #51713
  • [f94336f95a] - repl: fix NO_COLORS env var is ignored (Moshe Atlow) #51568
  • [e08649caa0] - repl: fix prepareStackTrace frames array order (Chengzhong Wu) #50827
  • [07614072f1] - sea: update stability index (Joyee Cheung) #51774
  • [eea0d74454] - (SEMVER-MINOR) sea: support sea.getRawAsset() (Joyee Cheung) #50960
  • [db0efa3f40] - (SEMVER-MINOR) sea: support embedding assets (Joyee Cheung) #50960
  • [9b164c6eec] - src: fix --disable-single-executable-application (Joyee Cheung) #51808
  • [306c1d35e5] - src: simplify direct queries of env vars in C++ land (Joyee Cheung) #51829
  • [696063a47c] - src: stop the profiler and the inspector before snapshot serialization (Joyee Cheung) #51815
  • [be40c8286c] - src: simplify embedder entry point execution (Joyee Cheung) #51557
  • [90391ff256] - src: compile code eagerly in snapshot builder (Joyee Cheung) #51672
  • [3875fa1dc5] - src: check empty before accessing string (Cheng Zhao) #51665
  • [a58c98ea85] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: print string content better in BlobDeserializer (Joyee Cheung) #50960
  • [62707a9d27] - src: fix vm bug for configurable globalThis (F. Hinkelmann) #51602
  • [c3c0a3ee5c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: support multi-line values for .env file (IlyasShabi) #51289
  • [dc8fe9ebf4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add process.loadEnvFile and util.parseEnv (Yagiz Nizipli) #51476
  • [a5afad2a4d] - src: terminate correctly double-quote in env variable (Marco Ippolito) #51510
  • [2a921966c6] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: do not coerce dotenv paths (Tobias Nießen) #51425
  • [50ec55c268] - src: refactor GetCreationContext calls (Jungku Lee) #51367
  • [2e65389922] - src: do not read string out of bounds (Cheng Zhao) #51358
  • [a653531089] - src: avoid shadowed string in fs_permission (Shelley Vohr) #51123
  • [c190a057ff] - src: avoid draining platform tasks at FreeEnvironment (Chengzhong Wu) #51290
  • [00227674f5] - src: add fast api for Histogram (James M Snell) #51296
  • [4733c8e4df] - src: refactor GetCreationContext calls (Yagiz Nizipli) #51287
  • [d76e16bb47] - src: enter isolate before destructing IsolateData (Ben Noordhuis) #51138
  • [4ffdd37d2c] - src: eliminate duplicate code in (James M Snell) #51263
  • [2ce8b974a0] - src: fix unix abstract socket path for trace event (theanarkh) #50858
  • [9b25268cb8] - src: use BignumPointer and use BN_clear_free (James M Snell) #50454
  • [a80f660343] - src: implement FastByteLengthUtf8 with simdutf::utf8_length_from_latin1 (Daniel Lemire) #50840
  • [0dee86f295] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: support configurable snapshot (Joyee Cheung) #50453
  • [90b5ed1d1d] - src: implement countObjectsWithPrototype (Joyee Cheung) #50572
  • [9365e129ed] - src: register udp_wrap external references (Joyee Cheung) #50943
  • [b05d496b6c] - src: register spawn_sync external references (Joyee Cheung) #50943
  • [642fb44982] - src: register process_wrap external references (Joyee Cheung) #50943
  • [c7c9e81a1a] - src: fix double free reported by coverity (Michael Dawson) #51046
  • [358793e28e] - src: remove unused headers in (Jungku Lee) #50927
  • [c705b73a74] - src: implement --trace-promises (Joyee Cheung) #50899
  • [97aa67f006] - src: fix dynamically linked zlib version (Richard Lau) #51007
  • [d6f46a44f2] - src: make ModifyCodeGenerationFromStrings more robust (Joyee Cheung) #50763
  • [362135a1f9] - src: disable uncaught exception abortion for ESM syntax detection (Yagiz Nizipli) #50987
  • [d82b0d4320] - src: fix backtrace with tail [[noreturn]] abort (Chengzhong Wu) #50849
  • [6df3e31bff] - src: print MKSNAPSHOT debug logs to stderr (Joyee Cheung) #50759
  • [fd5efac176] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,permission: add --allow-addon flag (Rafael Gonzaga) #51183
  • [b616f6fa06] - src,stream: improve WriteString (ywave620) #51155
  • [16d8cd5b22] - stream: do not defer construction by one microtick (Matteo Collina) #52005
  • [7931c3bbc8] - stream: fix eventNames() to not return not defined events (IlyasShabi) #51331
  • [d0a6f3515d] - stream: fix cloned webstreams not being unref correctly (tsctx) #51526
  • [8750070a47] - stream: fix fd is null when calling clearBuffer (kylo5aby) #50994
  • [ade6614067] - (SEMVER-MINOR) stream: add support for deflate-raw format to webstreams compression (Damian Krzeminski) #50097
  • [905c48fc6e] - test: add regression test for test_runner after hook (Colin Ihrig) #51998
  • [60f008b65e] - test: reduce flakiness of test-runner-output (Antoine du Hamel) #51952
  • [0ad88f6a5c] - test: fix flaky http-chunk-extensions-limit test (Ethan Arrowood) #51943
  • [3f85c7ac97] - test: remove flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51736
  • [f37648ee5c] - test: skip SEA tests when SEA generation fails (Joyee Cheung) #51887
  • [136b6a998b] - test: fix unreliable assumption in js-native-api/test_cannot_run_js (Joyee Cheung) #51898
  • [d90594aefa] - test: deflake test-http2-large-write-multiple-requests (Joyee Cheung) #51863
  • [a0b36e33d1] - test: fix test-debugger-profile for coverage generation (Joyee Cheung) #51816
  • [dd0f164ca3] - test: fix test-bootstrap-modules for coverage generation (Joyee Cheung) #51816
  • [e4c7d62496] - test: ensure delay in recursive fs watch tests (Joyee Cheung) #51842
  • [963d7d7dea] - test: fix test-child-process-fork-net (Joyee Cheung) #51841
  • [dd708d337e] - test: split wasi tests (Joyee Cheung) #51836
  • [853b48d905] - test: remove test-fs-stat-bigint flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51735
  • [fdc7d751de] - test: skip test-http-correct-hostname on loong64 (Shi Pujin) #51663
  • [c33f860d2b] - test: remove test-cli-node-options flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51716
  • [f528e965f6] - test: remove test-domain-error-types flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51717
  • [7e3ee828f1] - test: fix internet/test-inspector-help-page (Richard Lau) #51693
  • [170278c25d] - test: remove duplicate entry for flaky test (Luigi Pinca) #51654
  • [d0d5bd0e54] - test: remove test-crypto-keygen flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51567
  • [bca6dcca0b] - test: remove test-fs-rmdir-recursive flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51566
  • [af3f229d6b] - test: remove common.expectsError calls for asserts (Paulo Chaves) #51504
  • [f6fcd200e6] - test: mark test-http2-large-file as flaky (Michaël Zasso) #51549
  • [1d8e65a230] - test: use checkIfCollectableByCounting in SourceTextModule leak test (Joyee Cheung) #51512
  • [713afed6b0] - test: remove test-file-write-stream4 flaky designation (Luigi Pinca) #51472
  • [292d0174df] - test: add URL tests to fs-write (Rafael Gonzaga) #51352
  • [954e2f2f58] - test: remove unneeded common.expectsError for asserts (Andrés Morelos) #51353
  • [f2dfe0fa80] - test: add regression test for 51586 (Matteo Collina) #51491
  • [6ee5f50789] - test: fix flaky conditions for ppc64 SEA tests (Richard Lau) #51422
  • [06a6eef9a4] - test: replace forEach() with for...of (Alexander Jones) #50608
  • [a98102a6de] - test: replace forEach with for...of (Ospite Privilegiato) #50787
  • [e9080a94d3] - test: replace foreach with for of (lucacapocci94-dev) #50790
  • [42b162b06d] - test: replace forEach() with for...of (Jia) #50610
  • [cab7737f7e] - test: fix inconsistency write size in test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail (Jungku Lee) #51141
  • [15731b4b2f] - test: replace forEach test-http-server-multiheaders2 (Marco Mac) #50794
  • [9cedaa62fa] - test: replace forEach with for-of in test-webcrypto-export-import-ec (Chiara Ricciardi) #51249
  • [7f301e04be] - test: move to for of loop in test-http-hostname-typechecking.js (Luca Del Puppo) #50782
  • [6e62e649df] - test: skip test-watch-mode-inspect on arm (Michael Dawson) #51210
  • [c3c2b2b041] - test: replace forEach with for of in file test-trace-events-net.js (Ianna83) #50789
  • [55c423ba4f] - test: replace forEach() with for...of in test/parallel/test-util-log.js (Edoardo Dusi) #50783
  • [8ac05cf3c4] - test: replace forEach with for of in test-trace-events-api.js (Andrea Pavone) #50784
  • [d10d39e8ba] - test: replace forEach with for-of in test-v8-serders.js (Mattia Iannone) #50791
  • [576adc5e5b] - test: add URL tests to fs-read in pm (Rafael Gonzaga) #51213
  • [996cef51b7] - test: use tmpdir.refresh() in test-esm-loader-resolve-type.mjs (Luigi Pinca) #51206
  • [8f2d982342] - test: use tmpdir.refresh() in test-esm-json.mjs (Luigi Pinca) #51205
  • [efd6630143] - test: fix flakiness in worker*.test-free-called (Jithil P Ponnan) #51013
  • [54a29ee506] - test: deflake test-diagnostics-channel-memory-leak (Joyee Cheung) #50572
  • [6319ea6183] - test: test syncrhnous methods of child_process in snapshot (Joyee Cheung) #50943
  • [50df4aee2b] - test: handle relative https redirect (Richard Lau) #51121
  • [9f88f40cae] - test: fix test runner colored output test (Moshe Atlow) #51064
  • [a1feae24cb] - test: resolve path of embedtest binary correctly (Cheng Zhao) #50276
  • [a4f1805c92] - test: escape cwd in regexp (Jérémy Lal) #50980
  • [1c28db8116] - test: replace forEach to for.. test-webcrypto-export-import-cfrg.js (Angelo Parziale) #50785
  • [a4f505213e] - test: log more information in SEA tests (Joyee Cheung) #50759
  • [c91b817a5c] - test: consolidate utf8 text fixtures in tests (Joyee Cheung) #50732
  • [26a06b093b] - test: give more time to GC in test-shadow-realm-gc-* (Joyee Cheung) #50735
  • [e8f5735149] - test: test surrogate pair filenames on windows (Mert Can Altın) #51800
  • [1ab9ff46a5] - test: mark test-wasi as flaky on Windows on ARM (Joyee Cheung) #51834
  • [1c47da1453] - test,crypto: update WebCryptoAPI WPT (Filip Skokan) #51533
  • [91c8624608] - test_runner: serialize 'expected' and 'actual' in isolation (Malthe Borch) #51851
  • [cea90dcfe3] - test_runner: add ref methods to mocked timers (Marco Ippolito) #51809
  • [9ff0df1793] - test_runner: check if timeout was cleared by own callback (Ben Richeson) #51673
  • [34ecd1e36b] - test_runner: fixed test object is incorrectly passed to setup() (Pulkit Gupta) #50982
  • [da17a2538e] - test_runner: fixed to run after hook if before throws an error (Pulkit Gupta) #51062
  • [b8f0ea6f60] - test_runner: fix infinite loop when files are undefined in test runner (Pulkit Gupta) #51047
  • [fe922f05e4] - (SEMVER-MINOR) timers: export timers.promises (Marco Ippolito) #51246
  • [f4ac7baf85] - tools: fix installing node with shared mode (Cheng Zhao) #51910
  • [f07605fa7b] - tools: update eslint to 8.57.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51867
  • [d16b235fca] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.12.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51795
  • [d27e811a01] - tools: fix missing [[fallthrough]] in js2c (Cheng Zhao) #51845
  • [7eb69308da] - tools: disable automated libuv updates (Rafael Gonzaga) #51775
  • [1f15af425c] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.10.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51720
  • [c7ae13e6bc] - tools: update github_reporter to 1.6.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51658
  • [0fb079bd85] - tools: run build-windows workflow only on source changes (Antoine du Hamel) #51596
  • [c2538e31fa] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.9.6 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51583
  • [e02dbf074b] - tools: fix loong64 build (Shi Pujin) #51401
  • [ce49cb6656] - tools: set normalizeTD text default to empty string (Marco Ippolito) #51543
  • [e8dc5ac552] - tools: limit parallelism with ninja in V8 builds (Richard Lau) #51473
  • [97470b179b] - tools: do not pass invalid flag to C compiler (Michaël Zasso) #51409
  • [59af1d7923] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.9.5 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51460
  • [6385c7ad57] - tools: update inspector_protocol to 83b1154 (Kohei Ueno) #51309
  • [5235aaf299] - tools: update github_reporter to 1.5.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51395
  • [4ce2ecb1ce] - tools: fix version parsing in brotli update script (Richard Lau) #51373
  • [86102078f5] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.9.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51396
  • [e658208159] - tools: remove openssl v1 update script (Marco Ippolito) #51378
  • [4372f6a5b8] - tools: remove deprecated python api (Alex Yang) #49731
  • [2b24059e53] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.9.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51320
  • [1da2e8d15e] - tools: fix dep_updaters dir updates (Michaël Zasso) #51294
  • [b264dda7f2] - tools: update inspector_protocol to c488ba2 (cola119) #51293
  • [fdb07d5418] - tools: update inspector_protocol to 9b4a4aa (cola119) #51293
  • [6863fb84a6] - tools: update inspector_protocol to 2f51e05 (cola119) #51293
  • [6b85f5c6e0] - tools: update inspector_protocol to d7b099b (cola119) #51293
  • [cf029ca24f] - tools: update inspector_protocol to 912eb68 (cola119) #51293
  • [af119447f5] - tools: update inspector_protocol to 547c5b8 (cola119) #51293
  • [5a72506823] - tools: update inspector_protocol to ca525fc (cola119) #51293
  • [c7aa3976f9] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.9.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51276
  • [8e02d08a82] - tools: check timezone current version (Marco Ippolito) #51178
  • [fa1e88775d] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.9.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51193
  • [04c0bf9cc5] - tools: update eslint to 8.56.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51194
  • [e896cbd0d5] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.7.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51106
  • [c7350c2083] - tools: update doc to highlight.js@11.9.0 unified@11.0.4 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50459
  • [00dfabf8fb] - tools: update eslint to 8.55.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51025
  • [f91d56157b] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.6.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #51022
  • [450163cf9b] - tools: add triggers to update release links workflow (Moshe Atlow) #50974
  • [b1442024ea] - tools: update lint-md-dependencies to rollup@4.5.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #50913
  • [6fc6a62daf] - tools: fix current version check (Marco Ippolito) #50951
  • [bc6bdda8b1] - tools: fix (Michaël Zasso) #51723
  • [a7a4cce75d] - typings: lib/internal/vm.js (Geoffrey Booth) #50112
  • [6375540507] - typings: fix JSDoc in internal/modules/esm/hooks (Alex Yang) #50887
  • [4bc8e98d7c] - url: don't update URL immediately on update to URLSearchParams (Matt Cowley) #51520
  • [2acbcbd8ad] - url: throw error if argument length of revokeObjectURL is 0 (DylanTet) #50433
  • [c50134615e] - (SEMVER-MINOR) util: add styleText API to text formatting (Rafael Gonzaga) #51850
  • [f79ac336ad] - util: pass invalidSubtypeIndex instead of trimmedSubtype to error (Gaurish Sethia) #51264
  • [c3b89c310f] - util: improve performance of function areSimilarFloatArrays (Liu Jia) #51040
  • [5202995b48] - vm: implement isContext() directly in JS land with private symbol (Joyee Cheung) #51685
  • [0211a3d65f] - (SEMVER-MINOR) vm: support using the default loader to handle dynamic import() (Joyee Cheung) #51244
  • [07fc077c5d] - vm: use v8::DeserializeInternalFieldsCallback explicitly (Joyee Cheung) #50984
  • [5183e3a4b1] - watch: clarify that the fileName parameter can be null (Luigi Pinca) #51305
  • [63bf8a66df] - watch: fix null fileName on windows systems (vnc5) #49891
  • [07da4e9b58] - watch: fix infinite loop when passing --watch=true flag (Pulkit Gupta) #51160

Windows 32-bit Installer:
Windows 64-bit Installer:
Windows ARM 64-bit Installer:
Windows 32-bit Binary:
Windows 64-bit Binary:
Windows ARM 64-bit Binary:
macOS 64-bit Installer:
macOS Apple Silicon 64-bit Binary:
macOS Intel 64-bit Binary:
Linux 64-bit Binary:
Linux PPC LE 64-bit Binary:
Linux s390x 64-bit Binary:
AIX 64-bit Binary:
ARMv7 32-bit Binary:
ARMv8 64-bit Binary:
Source Code:
Other release files:


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